Tackling Trauma
Victims Family & Friends Defendants Witnesses
Victims of Crime
(Crown Prosecutin Service: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime 1st April 2021)
A person who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm or economic loss which was directly caused by a criminal offence;
a close relative (or a nominated family spokesperson) of a person whose death was directly caused by a criminal offence.
The Crysalys Foundation not only recognises family members as victims of the crime of murder but also their other loved ones including friends and or colleagues.
Being a victim of any crime can be extremely shocking and frightening.
Commons feelings after being a victim of a crime include:
You feel angry, upset or experience other strong emotionsThings suddenly fall apart for youYou show physical symptomsYou blame yourself thinking you should have done things differentlyYou develop long-term problems such as depression or anxiety-related illness
Victims of crime may experience trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
PTSD UK cites that as many as
of people who experience a trauma go on to develop PTSD
Watch a short video on how crime may affect you and some potential self help ideas
Trauma is when we experience very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control. It could be one incident, or an ongoing event that happens over a long period of time. Most of us will experience an event in our lives that could be considered traumatic. Being a victim of a crime is an example of a traumatic incident.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events. PTSD can affect a person's ability to work, perform day-to-day activities or relate to their family and friends.
PTSD symptoms usually appear soon after trauma. Avoidance: Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event may include avoiding people, places, activities, objects and situations that may trigger distressing memories. People may try to avoid remembering or thinking about the traumatic event. They may resist talking about what happened or how they feel about it. For most people, these symptoms go away on their own within the first few weeks and months after the trauma. For some, the symptoms can last for many years, especially if they go untreated. PTSD symptoms can stay at a fairly constant level of severity.
You can get more help and understanding about TRAUMA and PTSD from other pages within this website!
Help for Victims of Crime
Victim Support is the independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales
In Scotland
In Ireland
There is lots of other help and support available on this website, including understanding what trauma is.
Also, this site includes a UK help directory with information about lots of organisations that can help with trauma themes including depression and feeling suicidal
Here are some organisations that help with crime related and or social themes.
National Services
There are a large number of UK services that may also be able to help you
Here is information about some of them (accurate at November 2023)
Childline Private and confidential service where children and young people (up to 18 years of age) can talk about anything. Website. childline.org.uk Tel. 0800 1111
Samaritans Whatever you are going through, call us anytime 24 hours a day every day. Website. samaritans.org Tel. 116 123
Papyrus UK For children and young people under the age of 35 years who are having suicidal thoughts or for anyone concerned that someone may be having suicidal thoughts. Website. papyrus-org.uk Tel. 0800 0684141
The Crysalys Foundation – Tackling Trauma UK digital platform with info, resources and self-help on understanding and recovery from trauma for children, young people, adults, parents / carers and professionals. Available languages: English, Welsh and Ukrainian Website. tackling-trauma.com
SAMM National – Support After Murder and Manslaughter Support for family members and friends bereaved by murder or manslaughter. Website. samm.org.uk Tel. 0121 4722912 Mobile. 07342 888570
SHOUT Text service for young people who are feeling low, anxious, worried, lonely, overwhelmed, suicidal or just not yourself . Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to start a conversation. They will text you back once a volunteer is available
Runaway Helpline Runaway Helpline is here if you are thinking about running away, if you have already run away, or if you have been away and come back. You can also contact us if you are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused. Website. runawayhelpline.org.uk Tel or Text. 116 000
Support Through Court Supporting people who face civil or family court alone so they can represent themselves to the best of their ability. Website. supporthtroughcourt.org Tel. 03000 810 006
Victim Support For victims affected by crime needing info and support 24 hours per day everyday. Website. victimsupport.org.uk Tel. 0808 1689111
We Stand Offering info and support services for non-abusing parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused. Website. westand.org.uk Tel. 0800 9801958
Why Me? Delivering and promoting restorative justice for anyone affected by crime.Restorative justice is an approach to justice that seeks to repair harm by providing an opportunity for those harmed and those who take responsibility for the harm to communicate about and address their needs in the aftermath of a crime.Website. why-me.orgEmail. info@why-me.org
Fearless Online Fearless online where you can report crime or share information without having to leave any personal information. You can give us information about crime without giving your name or any personal details. We will not ask about your gender or age. They will not record any personal details you might mention. The system design is to protect your identity so we cannot physically cannot trace your email or IP address.Website. fearless.org
The Salvation Army Providing specialist support for all adult victims of modern slavery in England and Wales available 24 hours per day everyday .Modern slavery is the exploitation of other people, for personal or commercial gainWebsite.salvationarmy.org.uk/modern-slavery Tel. 0800 808 3733
Young Minds For young people, who need help with their mental help 24 hours a day every day. Website. youngminds.org.uk Text YM to 85258
The Mix For anyone under 25 years of age who faces challenges. Website. themix.org.uk Tel. 0808 8084994
Cruse Bereavement Care For bereaved children and young people. Website. hopeagain.org.uk Tel. 0808 8081677
Talk to Frank Providing facts, information and advice on drugs, their effects and the law. Website. talktofrank.com Tel. 0300 1236600
Combat Stress For veterans’ mental health problems helping servicemen and women with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. Website. combatstress.org.uk Tel. 0800 1381619
The Compassionate Friend Supporting bereaved parents and their families who have lost a son or daughter. Website. tcf.org.uk Tel. 0345 1232304
CALM For info, support and listening services for men who are at risk of suicide. Website. thecalmzone.net Tel. 0800 585858
Anxiety UK For support, advice and info on anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression conditions. Website. anxietyuk.org.uk Tel. 03444 775774
SANDS Support for anyone affected by the death of a baby. Website. sands.org.uk Tel. 0808 1643332 Email. helpline@sands.org.uk
Family Lives Parenting and family support. Website. familylives.org.uk Tel. 0808 8002222 Email. askus@familylives.org.uk
Kidscape Focused on keeping children safe including dealing with bullying. Website. kidscape.org.uk
Rape Crisis Englandand Wales Help and support after rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse or any other form of sexual violence. Website. rapecrisis.org.uk
Women’s Aid Ending domestic violence against women and children. Website. womensaid.org.uk
Family Rights Group Promotes policies and practices that keep children safe within their family and strengthen the family and community networks of those children who cannot live at home. Website. frg.org.uk Tel. 0808 8010366
The Survivors Trust Supporting victims and survivors of sexual violence. Website. thesurvivorstrust.org Tel. 08088 010818
mind uk Mental health services to support individuals dealing with mental health challenges. Website. mind.org.uk/ Tel. 0300 123 3393
Northamptonshire Services
service six Based in WellingboroughMental health and wellbeing support for children (from 4 years), young people and their families in Northamptonshire. Website. servicesix.co.uk Tel. 01933 277520
NGAGE Specialist drug and alcohol service for young people aged 10 to 18 years.Dedicated workers in Northampton, Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough, East and South Northamptonshire.Website. aquarius.org.uk/ngage Tel. 01604 333848 Email. ypnorthamptonshire@aquarius.org.ukFacebook. @aquariusnorthampton
stand out northamptonshire Improving the lives of children in care and care leavers. Website. standoutnorthamptonshire.com Email. services@standoutnorthamptonshire.com
the lowdown Based in NorthamptonMental health charity aged 11 to 25 years in Northamptonshire. Website. thelowdown.info Tel. 01604 634385
Time2Talk Based in DaventryMental health charity for young people aged 13 to 25 years in Daventry & South Northamptonshire. Website. time2talk.org.uk Tel. 01327 706706
CHAT Based in OundleYouth counselling service for young people aged 9 to 25 years in East Northamptonshire. Website.chatyouthcounselling.org.uk Tel. 01832 274422
Youth Works Based in KetteringEducation and support services for young people in Northamptonshire. Website. youthworksnorthamptonshire.org.uk Tel. 01536 518339
VOICE Northants Providing support for victims and witnesses of crime in Northamptonshire. Specialist domestic abuse, children & young people, trauma on the roads & restorative justice services. Website. voicenorthants.org Tel. 0300 3031965 Email. info@voicenorthants.org
Northamptonshire MIND Based in Corby, Wellingborough, Northampton, Rushden, Daventry and Towcester & Brackley . Mental health services to support individuals dealing with mental health challenges. Website. northamptonshiremind.org.uk
kettering MIND Providing a wide range of services to help the people of Kettering with their mental health. Website. ketteringmind.org.uk Tel. 01536 523216 Email. info@ketteringmind.org.uk
Citizens Advice Central and East Northamptonshire (Northampton, Wellingborough, South and East Northamptonshire). Independent advice provider. Website. cencab.org.uk Tel. 0800 1448848
Citizens Advice Corby and KetteringIndependent advice provider. Website. nnca.uk Corby Tel. 01536 265501 Kettering Tel. 01536 482281 Email. enquiries@nnca.uk
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Services Refuge, outreach & group work programmes for women & men impacted by domestic abuse. Support for children to recover from the trauma of domestic abuse. Website. ndas.co Tel. 0300 0120154 Email. advice@ndas-org.co.uk
Family Support Link Support for children and adults affected by another’s substance misuse in Northamptonshire. Website. familysupportlink.co.uk Tel. 01933 227078 Email. contactus@family-supportlink.co.uk
CIRV - The Community Initiative to Reduce Violence Multi-agency gang intervention programme designed to reduce gang violence and help those involved in gangs to live a life free of crime. Anyone can refer into CIRV - whether that is someone who needs help themselves to get out of ‘gang life’ or someone who is concerned about someone they know. Website. cirv-nsd.org.uk Tel. 07539 183975
Relate Northamptonshire Relationship counselling for individuals and couples, family counselling, counselling for children and young people and sex therapy. Website.relate.org.uk/centre/northamptonshire Tel. 0300 100 1234
Community Law Service Specialist social welfare advice provider including specialist advice, casework and representation currently in the fields of Welfare Benefits, Debt, Financial Capability, Energy Advice, Housing and Immigration. Website. communitylawservice.org.uk Tel. 01604 631038 (Northampton Office) Tel. 01933 313020 (Rushden and Wellingborough Offices)
Company No: 11080543.
Registered Charity No. 1189120.
Registered Address: 298 Wellingborough Road
Northampton, NN14EP
T: 07495 539 611 E: jane@crysalys.org